Navigating the Cookieless Era: Elevating Targeted Advertising with First-Party Data

We’ve all read more than enough in the last few years to know third-party cookies are on the way out, and how server-side tracking can help clean up this crumbly cookie mess.

As third-party cookies bid adieu, the familiar terrain of retargeting is becoming increasingly complex. The reliability and precision we've come to expect may dwindle. Although solutions are in the works, the accuracy and cost-efficiency we cherish might be hard to replicate.

The Crucial Role of First-Party Data

What can we do? We love our customers, and now’s the time to get to know them even better.

The solution is to refocus on building first-party data, held in our customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

With the right communication, customers are willing and ready to provide their data in exchange for a better experience with brands, all in a fully GDPR-compliant exchange of information.

Strategies for First-Party Data Growth

How marketers grow their first-party data will depend on their organisation's particular situation, but whether they are offering products or services, targeting customers or businesses, or are a nonprofit, one or more of the below strategies could work:

  • Offer incentives like one-time discounts for accounts or newsletter sign-ups to entice customers to take action.

  • Nonprofits can rally support through microdonations or advocacy campaigns that resonate with wider audiences.

  • Streamline user experiences and gather valuable data with single sign-on integrations.

  • Seek direct insights through surveys, feedback forms, and reviews to better understand customer preferences.

  • Create valuable data-driven content behind lead capture forms, such as research reports or templates, fostering a mutually beneficial exchange.

  • Utilise customer service chatbots to gather essential customer details seamlessly.

Lead forms aren’t just for websites either! Lead Gen ads are available on Facebook, Instagram, Google and TikTok, so with the right offer or ads, customers can take action immediately, without even needing to leave their social app. Orla Incremental Media can help set-up this type of integration.

Adapting Marketing Strategies

With a richer bank of first-party data, marketers can continue to engage their customers through digital channels like email and WhatsApp, as well as more ‘traditional’ phone and postal comms, with content crafted for segments we know well and including personalised elements that pique attention and drive action.


In conclusion, the cookieless era beckons us to rethink our advertising strategies. By prioritising first-party data collection and innovative engagement techniques, businesses can not only weather the changes but also thrive in a more customer-centric and data-responsible future.


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